It’s news to many people that the products you choose to use inside your home directly affect your family’s health.

Switching to all non-toxic products is so overwhelming. You don’t have the time or the budget to do the research and try all the products, only to find out that the one you chose may not even work that well. Because let’s face it, some products with low-tox ingredients don’t work as well. I’m here to take that overwhelm away. This guide is designed to lead you directly to the products that WORK and don’t break the bank!

I know how overwhelming it is when you start to think about making non-toxic switches. They seem more expensive. It’s hard to tell what’s actually nontoxic. And you feel like it’s so overwhelming to switch everything. Plus don’t even mention the overwhelm of having to read ingredient labels and then make a decision that could affect your whole family. YIKES.

This guide will include 1-3 non-toxic product swaps to buy each month. After a full year of participating, you’ll have a fully non-toxic home.

My goal here is help you choose better products for your home while not breaking the bank.